Course Introduction

Thank you for purchasing your Certified Food Protection Manager Course from Food and Retail Solutions.  We’re the best choice to complete your training and online exam.

We’ve certified over 300+ food safety managers in the last year alone and continue to provide curriculum that will prepare you for a successful Certified Food Protection Manager certification. 

Course Information

  • Upon purchase, you may start your training course immediately.
  • Course can be completed during multiple sessions, over a few days, weeks or months.
  • Course access is suspended upon 90 days of inaction.
  • All course materials, including exam are provided virtually.
  • Courses are avaiable through iOS app "Teachable". It is not available on Android.

We provide our training curriculum in easy-to-use solutions, including:

·       PDF’s for reading

·       Videos

·       Knowledge Checks

·       Quizzes

Course Enforcement:

·       We do require students to complete certain actions to advance through your course.

·       Students are required to watch at least 90% of the video content to show complete.

·       Students are required to score at least 80% on each quiz.

Why do we have Course Enforcement? It has proven to be effective in helping students reach the knowledge and experience needed to pass the CFPM certification course.

Below is a sample of our training content videos.


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